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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

WoW player threatens to hijack plane

An 18 year old boy who lives in Ridgemere Drive, GreenWood is under FBI scrutiny after issuing a number of ' SERIOUS ' threats via the popular MMO WOW according to an article.

He issued a threat on the 13th that he ' was going to board a plan at 7.30 to Chicago and that he was going to try and kill as many Americans as possible'

He then proceeded to leave several other threatening messages. This raised a ruckus in Blizzard`s headquarters, as they notified the authorities about it.

After initially claiming that his account was hacked, the boy admitted to making up the threats as a jest to see whether it would bring the police to his house.

The boy`s com was then seized as evidence, the FBI are contemplating on filing federal charges on him.

My Comments , Well... i don`t really get this kind of guys. Frankly speaking, he shouln`t have been such a fool. Oh well, everybody`s different =)

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